Hi, my Adopt-PA friends!
This is Jess Craven (of TikTok and Chop Wood, Carry Water).
This is the first of my occasional emails about helping win the great state of Pennsylvania. I’d appreciate greatly if, just this first time, you’d let me know if you got the email— I’ve been experimenting with different ways to elude spam filters, and I’m hoping Substack will work better than mailchimp.
Anyway, here is the Pennsylvania master doc 🎉🎉🎉. I’ll be adding to it all through 2022—it’s really just in its infancy. Please bookmark it and consider which organizations you can start supporting financially or volunteering for NOW! Because the midterms are HAPPENING!
I’ll email sporadically when I add something time-sensitive or otherwise worth alerting you to.
One more thing: there’s a cool webinar tomorrow in which Turn PA Blue and re-districting analysts will discuss the new PA legislative districts, the process involved in redrawing lines, and opportunities to flip PA statehouse seats this year. To join the one-hour Zoom discussion at 7:30 p.m. ET, sign up here. (I HIGHLY recommend getting signed up with Turn PA Blue. They’re awesome.)
OK. Hope this reached you. Thanks for all you’re doing and, more importantly, all you will do! 💙
Got it ! Thanks for your tireless efforts
Got it! Thanks!