Chop Wood, Carry PA! 🌳
Hi, my Adopt-PA’ers!
I have a great event to invite you to!
Please consider joining Better PA, Turn PA Blue and special guest David Pepper, attorney and author of Laboratories of Autocracy: A Wake-Up Call from Behind the Lines, for a conversation about how you can help stop Republicans’ tide of destruction.
Before Trump, we could never have imagined today’s dystopia, a Republican party with no moral compass and few restraints.
Yet there is still hope for the future if each of us engages in the real battle where Republicans are laser focused: in the too often ignored realm of state legislatures—like, ahem, Pennsylvania’s!— where Republicans are fighting every day to destroy the underpinnings of democracy.
Come and learn more about how you can help preserve democracy for generations to come.
WHAT:Â Laboratories of Autocracy: An Evening with Author David Pepper
WHO: David Pepper, Turn PA Blue, Better PA
WHEN: Wednesday, May 25, 7:30PM Eastern
Hope you can make it!
More soon,