Team Pennsylvania.
Congratulations from the bottom of my exploding heart.
Your hard work in PA paid off IN SPADES.
Democrats held the Pennsylvania Governorship. We flipped the PA U.S. Senate seat to blue. AND we very likely flipped the Pennsylvania State House. This is HUGE!!! (If you gave to my PA Giving Circle you helped make that last bit happen!)
Y’all, you absolutely killed it. I am unbelievably proud of you and grateful for all that you did. In general we had an incredible election, but Pennsylvania (and Michigan) seriously took the cake.
I’m going to be more or less retiring this newsletter until early 2024, so if you want to keep hearing from me you’ll have to subscribe to my main newsletter, Chop Wood, Carry Water (see below for link). And I hope you do, as our work is far from over. This fight for democracy is a fight we can win, but it’ll take time, and perseverance, and effort.
I know you’re up to the challenge. And regardless, thanks for what you did to make these midterms a “shocking” (not to me!) success.
P.S. One last effort taking place right now is ballot curing—we are doing it in many states, including PA. These cured ballots could help determine the outcome of a close race, so if you can volunteer to do a shift you will be fully trained nd supported while doing so. It’s fun, easy, and could help save democracy! Find all the ballot curing links here.