Chop Wood, Carry PA 5/14
Hi, all!
Happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate it!
I’m writing with a specific ask as we get closer to the big day (Tuesday).
An activist acquaintance wrote me just now and said: “I’m working with VoProPros on curing ballots in (PA HD)163. We could really use a person on the ground who could doorknock where we are not getting through.”
If you live in the district and think you can help please respond to this email and I’ll put you in touch.
Also, here are two more PA phonebanks for you, both tomorrow (Monday). Needless to say we need all hands on deck!
Please come phonebank for Helen Gym, progressive candidate for Mayor in Philadelphia, with me. The training time is at 2:00PM ET and the phonebank will run until 8:30PM ET so you can hop on any time. The Philadelphia Mayor’s primary is going to be close and it’s critical that our progressive candidate win. Sign up here.
At 5PM ET I’m going to hop on to make calls once more into HD 163 for Heather Boyd. If we lose this seat we lose the PA House! Nooooo! Sign up here to help us make calls.
Thanks, all!