Hey, everyone!
My friend and fellow activist Susan Labandibar shared some amazing PA-related voter engagement opportunities with me that I want to share with you!
She says:
You don’t have to live in Pennsylvania to help Dems win in this battleground state. Swing Blue Alliance has 4 ways you can help NOW, from anywhere!
1. Send one of the most extreme MAGA members of Congress packing by making calls for Dem candidate Janelle Stelson. A court filing showed Rep Scott Perry (PA-10) tried to help Trump overturn the results of the 2020 election. Popular TV news anchor, Janelle Stelson, may be poised to flip his seat. Thursdays, 6pm-8pm ET, https://www.mobilize.us/swingbluealliance/event/644234/
2. Exchange stories with unlikely voters in West Philadelphia. Changing the Conversation for Progress engages unlikely voters with effective persuasion. CTC will train you, and Swing Blue Alliance will help you make a trip to meet voters where they are. Deep Canvassing training and practice in West Philadelphia: https://ctc4progress.org/events/
3. Swing Blue Alliance’s awesome new video shows volunteers having fun and saving democracy at The Philly House, an AirBNB they rented in Philadelphia to serve as a base camp for registering voters and canvassing. You can join them at the “Philly House.”
4. Persuade PA voters by sending issue-oriented letters. Swing Blue Alliance has partnered with Working America to send half a million letters to PA voters highlighting healthcare stories. Volunteer to be a letter/postcard host: Working America Letters
I can vouch for Swing Blue’s weekly phonebanks, by the way. I’ve done them for a few cycles, now, and prefer them literally to all others. The training and followup is top rate. Try one!
Ok, all. More soon. Thanks for all you’re doing and all you WILL do to help us win!
How does sending it to the States protect women ? He really thinks this is going to help him?