Chop Wood, Carry PA 9/14 🌳
Hi, Team Pennsylvania!
So if you’re not totally tired of writing, writing, writing, I did want to flag one more major way you can help us win in PA.
Vote Forward still has a LOT of addresses left in PA. Like, a LOT. They need a lot more volunteers.
Check it out:
ACK! That’s a lot of unwritten letters! Can you please, please “adopt” even 5 or 10? My husband and I are working on a batch right now and they’re really stupidly easy—and we have evidence that they bump turnout significantly.
All you need for this is a printer, some business envelopes, some stamps, and a couple of pens—any color but black. (For a quick tutorial on how to write these easy letters watch this 3 minute YouTube video.)
Then please, sign up here. And share this email with a friend who loves John Fetterman (or hates Doug Mastriano) as much as you do! WE NEED A BIGGER BOAT!
OK, y’all. More soon! 🦈