Hi, Team Pennsylvania!
I’ve got a few pieces of amazing news!
First, as you likely know, Jim Prokopiak won the PA Special Election yesterday—by 35 points!—which means the PA State House majority is safe for now at 102-100. Thank you to every single one of you who worked to help us win!
Next, my main newsletter’s 22K subscribers have voted on which states to raise money for this year through a States Project Giving Circle, and we landed on Pennsylvania (and AZ)! Woot! I have set a goal of…wait for it…100K! And in the first 48 hours we’ve raised 16K. Fantastic!
If you want to see why raising money for the PA state legislative races is critical read the States Project’s quick Pennsylvania explainer here. Once convinced, please consider making a donation to the Chop Wood, Carry Statehouses fund and/or sharing the link with friends who have some money to give. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! Don’t forget, turning voters out downballot will also ensure a great turnout for our critical U.S. Senate race in PA and for Biden as well!
Finally, in my last bit of good news, did you know that Activate America has launched a PA Vote By Mail postcarding campaign? They need tons of folks to write those cards now! Sign up here. (You do have to provide your own cards.)
OK, all. Much more soon! Thanks again for all you do, and happy Valentine’s Day!